Paris – EasyFrench #Survival Kit
Do you know how to order at a restaurant in French? This blog is your ultimate guide to achieving independence in Paris, providing you with essential tips to help you communicate and connect with locals effortlessly. We’ll share useful phrases along with phonetic pronunciations to make your experience even smoother.Here, you’ll also discover how to navigate all the transportation options and find the nearest restrooms. Stay tuned for our thematic publications, starting with the most important tips for getting around the City of Light! Enjoy your adventure!
Let’s learn together – Survival Kit / French skills
Just Say In French | Phonetic | Meaning in English |
Où est la station de métro ? | oo eh lah stah-syon duh meh-troh? | Where is the metro station? |
Combien ça coûte ? | kohm-byen sah koot? | How much does it cost? |
Pouvez-vous m’aider ? | poo-vay voo meh-day? | Can you help me? |
J’aimerais… | zhay-meh-ray… | I would like… |
Où se trouve un bon restaurant ? | oo suh troov un bon res-toh-rahnt? | Where can I find a good restaurant? |
Je ne comprends pas | zhuh nuh kohm-prah pah | I don’t understand |
Parlez-vous anglais ? | par-lay voo ahn-glay? | Do you speak English? |
Excusez-moi | eks-kew-zay mwah | Excuse me |
Où sont les toilettes ? | oo sohn lay twah-let? | Where is the bathroom? |
Je voudrais une table pour deux | zhuh voo-dray un tah-bl pour duh | I would like a table for two |
Quelle heure est-il ? | kel ur eh-teel? | What time is it? |
L’addition, s’il vous plaît | lah-dee-syon, seel voo pleh | The bill, please |
C’est combien pour un billet ? | say kohm-byen poor un bee-yay? | How much is a ticket? |
Je voudrais acheter un ticket | zhuh voo-dray ash-tay un tee-kay | I would like to buy a ticket |
Où est le supermarché ? | oo eh loo soo-pair-mar-shay? | Where is the supermarket? |
Je cherche… | zhuh sher-sh… | I’m looking for… |
Puis-je avoir le menu ? | pwee-zh av-wahr luh meh-noo? | Can I have the menu? |
Quel est le prix de cette chambre ? | kel eh luh pree duh set shom-bruh? | What is the price of this room? |
Où est l’arrêt de bus ? | oo eh lah-ray duh bus? | Where is the bus stop? |
Est-ce que je peux payer par carte ? | es-kuh zhuh puh pay-yay par kart? | Can I pay by card? |
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