Get ready, dear tourists! We are excited to share essential tips for achieving independence in Paris, enabling you to communicate and connect with locals effortlessly. Not only will we provide useful phrases, but we will also include phonetic pronunciations to make your experience even smoother.Additionally, we’ll reveal all the secrets to charming a beautiful Parisian, ensuring you can navigate the art of flirtation with confidence and style. Stay tuned for our thematic publications, starting with the most important topic: how to seduce! Enjoy your adventure in the City of Light!
Let’s learn together – Seduction tips
Just say in French | Phonetic | Meaning in English |
Tu es très belle (f) / beau (m) | too eh treh bel / boh | You are very beautiful / handsome |
J’aime beaucoup ton sourire | zhem boh-koo ton soo-reer | I really like your smile |
Tu as des yeux magnifiques | too ah dayz yuh mahg-neef-eek | You have beautiful eyes |
On pourrait se revoir ? | ohn poo-ray suh ruh-vwar? | Can we meet again? |
Tu veux prendre un verre avec moi ? | too vuh prahnd-ruh un vehr ah-vek mwah? | Do you want to grab a drink with me? |
Tu as un sourire qui illumine la pièce | too ah un soo-reer kee ee-loo-meen lah pyes | You have a smile that lights up the room |
Est-ce que tu crois au coup de foudre ? | es-kuh too krwah oh koo duh foodr? | Do you believe in love at first sight? |
J’adore ta façon de parler | zhah-dor tah fah-sohn duh parl-ay | I love the way you talk |
On fait quelque chose ce week-end ? | ohn feh kel-kuh shoz suh week-end? | Want to do something this weekend? |
J’aimerais apprendre à mieux te connaître | zhay-meh-ray ah-pron-druh ah myeuh tuh kon-eh-truh | I would like to get to know you better |
Tu me plais beaucoup | too muh pleh boh-koo | I like you a lot |
Puis-je t’offrir un café ? | pwee-zh toff-reer un kah-fay? | Can I buy you a coffee? |
Tu veux danser avec moi ? | too vuh dahn-say ah-vek mwah? | Do you want to dance with me? |
Tu es célibataire ? | too eh say-lee-bah-tair? | Are you single? |
Tu viens souvent ici ? | too vyen soo-vahn ee-see? | Do you come here often? |
Tu es vraiment charmant(e) | too eh vray-mohn shar-mahn(t) | You are really charming |
On pourrait aller quelque part plus tranquille ? | ohn poo-ray ah-lay kel-kuh par ploo trank-eel? | Shall we go somewhere quieter? |
Je t’ai remarqué dès que tu es entré(e) | zhuh tay ruh-mar-kay day kuh too eh ahn-tray | I noticed you as soon as you walked in |
Tu veux échanger nos numéros ? | too vuh ay-shohn-zhay noh noo-may-roh? | Do you want to exchange numbers? |
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