Published on
3 October, 2024
Paris – EasyFrench #Main words !!!

Are you ready to learn the basics—the must-know French words? This blog is your ultimate guide to achieving independence in Paris, providing you with essential tips to help you communicate and connect with locals effortlessly. We’ll share useful phrases along with phonetic pronunciations to make your experience even smoother.By mastering these foundational words, you’ll be well-equipped to fully enjoy this magnificent city. From ordering a delicious croissant at a café to asking for directions, knowing the basics will enhance your interactions and help you immerse yourself in the vibrant Parisian culture. Stay tuned for our thematic publications, starting with these crucial first words that will elevate your adventure in the City of Light! Enjoy!

Just say in FrenchPhonericMeaning in English
Comment ça va ?koh-mohn sah vah?How are you?
S’il vous plaîtseel voo plehPlease
Mercimehr-seeThank you
Comment tu t’appelles ?koh-mohn too tah-pel?What’s your name?
Je m’appelle…zhuh mah-pel…My name is…
Où habites-tu ?oo ah-beet too?Where do you live?
J’habite…zhah-beet…I live…
Quel âge as-tu ?kel ahzh ah too?How old are you?
J’ai… ans.zhay… ahn.I am… years old.
Tu parles français ?too parl frahn-say?Do you speak French?
Voulez-vous jouer ?voo-lay voo zhoo-ay?Do you want to play?
Viens chez moivyen shay mwahCome to my place
Donne-moi ton adressedon mwah ton ah-dressGive me your address
Voici mon adressevwa-see mon ah-dressHere’s my address
Au revoiroh ruh-vwarGoodbye
Bonne nuitbon nweeGoodnight

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